- From the Masters


by Jeffrey Wilde, The Dating Guru

One of the biggest problems that occurs among the hundreds of bachelors I have personally coached is they are just too nice and predictable. This spells BORING to a woman and… If you get branded with this label than you may as well join the monastery!

So how do you avoid this curse? Simple! You need to learn to develop a bit of an “unpredictable edge” to your behavior and the best way to do this is play hard to get.

Learning to play hard to get is one of the best tactics to make a woman find you irresistibly attractive. It can make them, “have to have you!” The power of playing hard to get is undeniable. Look how effectively women use it and how it makes men do insane things to have them.

When used properly this tactic is so strong that it can make a woman who barely has any interest, suddenly feel she desperately wants to be with you!

Master these five lethal techniques and the rewards it will bring to your love-life will be priceless!

TACTIC 1: Don’t wear out your welcome!

You’ve probably heard the line that goes’ “fish and house guests all smell the same after three days!” Whenever you go out on a date or have any contact with a woman, avoid wearing out your welcome. You should always aim to leave on a high note while things are going really well.

The best way to do this is to terminate a date, a phone call or conversation a little bit more quickly than expected. You can say, “I have to get up early tomorrow so I’ll have to say goodnight for now!” Another might be, “I have to get home as there are things that I have to take care of before I go to bed!” You can also use this one, “I would love to hang out with you a lot more but I really have to go as I have some work to finish at home!”

The reason you want to cut things shorter than expected is that it leaves you in control!

The bottom-line is that the one who breaks something off is in control!!! Even if you are crazy about her you need to do this. Now don’t do it every time, but just enough to keep her on her toes and guessing.

By leaving on a high note and departing early you will leave her with both a favorable impression and have her hungering for more.

TACTIC 2: Be unpredictable!

This tactic is designed to keep a girl consistently off-balance. It will allow you to show your interest, but at the same time never let her think she has you wrapped around her little finger. This strategy also helps to increase her curiosity, intrigue and attraction to you. She will continually be trying to guess what you are going to do or say next. This “mystery” is very exciting for women and an aphrodisiac in itself.

Here are some ways to create this:

  • Be 20 minutes late and don’t call to say you will be late. Just tell her your car as giving you some problems or you hit some traffic.
  • Be extra nice to her when she is being a real bitch. This is exactly what she won’t expect from you.
  • Act aloof and uncaring when she is trying to be extra nice to you.
  • Ignore them when they think they have you hooked.
  • Give them a gift when they aren’t expecting it.
  • Drop by for an unexpected visit.

An interesting thing to note is that after you have done these things the girl will probably complain to her friends and say, “I don’t know what it is about him but I just can’t figure him out. He drives me crazy sometimes!” The funny thing is that she will like you more because of this.

One thing to notice about my list of things to do is that some are positive and some could be viewed as negative. That’s the secret to keeping her on her toes. Just when she is starting to think of you as a nice guy you shock her a bit. Then just when she thinks you are a jerk you do a bunch of sweet things.
While this might make her crazy it will keep her hooked and keep her from getting bored by you!

TACTIC 3: Adopt an “I don’t care attitude!”

This tactic involves you letting her know that you like to be independent and can manage fine without her. Now this doesn’t mean that you truly don’t care, it is just letting her know that she is not the only thing in your life.

Now here is where it can tricky. In my book “Guaranteed Success With Women” I have mentioned that women want to know that they mean the world to you and when you convey this you will win some major points. It’s just in the beginning stages of dating that you don’t want her to know just how crazy you are for her. It’s funny because on the one hand they want you to tell them how incredibly in love you are to them and yet the minute you say it they run the other way.

Maintaining other hobbies and interests as well as friendships both male and female outside of her circle will remind her that you are your own man. It will also tell her that she can’t take you for granted as you are busy and won’t be at her beck and call.

One thing you must do is resist the temptation to find out how she feels about you. Never ask her how she feels about you and never go fishing for approval. Doing this signals that you are insecure and this is something most women do not want to see. You are going to know pretty much how much she is into her by the things she does and say towards you. Therefore asking her how she feels won’t be necessary.

TACTIC 4: Cancel a date!

This is an excellent tactic to keep her from getting too complacent towards you. It is a way to demonstrate that you are not intimidated by her opinion of what you do.

The technique can be difficult to apply because canceling a date is probably the last thing you want to do when you have someone you are crazy about. You may feel that this tactic will drive her away, but don’t worry as it will actually cause the opposite to happen. This maneuver is especially helpful for those of you who tend to be a bit too honest, open and reliable. Often when you are perceived this way you are taken advantage of and the girl takes you for granted.

So the remedy for this problem is to cancel a date with her. Now there is a right way to do this and a wrong one. What you don’t want to do is cancel at the last minute especially for some big occasion. That would be very rude and inconsiderate and could actually hurt your relationship. Instead what you want to do is give her 24-48 hours notice and did apologize and say that you wish you could be with her but something has come up that you can’t get out of.

Don’t give her any specific details as what you had to do as you want to keep her guessing. This will plant some seeds of doubt regarding just how strong her hold is in you and that is the whole idea!!!

TACTIC 5: Make her feel lucky to be with you!

The easiest way to do this is to create some good old fashioned competition. Until you are happily and deeply involved with someone, you always want the girl you are seeing to know that you have plenty of other female friends. This will give them a dose of jealousy as well as getting her competitive juices flowing. Women hate losing a man to someone else. They will definitely put up a good fight when they think they may lose their man.

Doing this also sends a clear signal to her that you know that there is plenty more fish in the sea.
It’s truly amazing how her passion and desire will flame up the minute she faces some rivalry from other women, even if they are platonic friendships! Chances are she will make a bigger effort to attract you so she can “claim” you. Everyone wants something that is highly prized and sought after. This strategy will make her feel that you are worth fighting for.

One last word… These tactics are powerful and they work. Just make sure you use them sparingly as a little goes a long way!!!

This article is written by Dr. Jeffrey Wilde, author of “Guaranteed Success With Women”.

For more details go to: The Dating Guru





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